Find The Best Drug & Alcohol Inpatient Rehab Treatment

Our treatment centers offer evidence-based programs and individual care to ensure that clients are in a safe and sober environment to heal in every aspect of addiction. With our luxury drug rehab clinic and caring staff walking alongside you, you will be able to create a new life free from addiction. We can also assist in helping you find the perfect inpatient program and set you up with IOP before beginning outpatient care at our facility.

Qualify for Our Addiction Treatment Program

& Experiences

If you join our rehab program you won’t just be stuck in a room all day. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in numerous activities in order to help create healthy habits and ways to cope with not only withdrawal but mental health as well.

These group activities allow you to be in community with others in recovery and make lifelong bonds that will stay with you long after you leave a recovery program. Some activities we’ve had in the past include:

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Group Sports

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icon representing beach clean ups

Beach Days

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Paddle boarding

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group sitting in a circle in the lawn outside
icons representing different physical activities
group of people meeting outside in the grass and talking in a circle

Addiction Treatment Programs

Addiction Treatment

We offer an evidence-based drug and alcohol addiction treatment program, which primarily consists of prescribed medication combined with counseling and therapies. While Renaissance specializes in outpatient treatment, we can help you find an inpatient program perfect for you. Therapies are in place to help clients learn about their addiction, develop strategies to help reduce risk of relapse, and help overcome overlapping mental health conditions. Some common forms of therapy and treatment include :

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Holistic Treatment

Dual Diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis is when someone suffers from an overlapping substance use disorder and a mental health disorder These problems can play off of and exacerbate one another, leading to a chaotic downward spiral. Some of the most common types of mental disorders people with addiction struggle with include:

  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Personality Disorders
  • Trauma-Related Disorders


Detox is the first step to the recovery process. Upon in-take to our residential program, clients will be medically monitored as they go through the withdrawal process. While Renaissance Recovery doesn’t provide detox, we can help you find the best detox program for you and get you set up at our facility post-detox. Through medical assistance and supervision, clients will be able to remove substances in a safe environment. An example includes:

  • Medicated-Assisted Treatment
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Facility Gallery

Designed to be a place that is warm, comforting, and fun. Clients can engage in various therapies (i.e. group and individual), while being comfortable to create the best healing environment.
inside view of the kitchen area of a rehab center in california
bedroom and living room view of renaissance rehad center in southern california
patio view of renaissance recovery rehab center in southern california
2 photos with the top being a 2 bed bedroom and the bottom being the outside of a renaissance recovery rehab center in southern california
outside view of the renaissance recovery rehab center
group of people meeting outside in the grass and talking in a circle
Stay Connected


If you’re searching “drug rehabilitation near me” an important aspect you may be missing is an alumni community. We’ve created a strong alumni community at Renaissance so that when treatment ends you are still able to have a strong support system to help you be successful in recovery through:

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Regular Follow-Up Calls

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Monthly Community Events

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Support Meetings

group sitting in a circle in the lawn outside
Icons for peer to peer support, regular follow up calls, monthly community events, and support meetings
Man lying down facing the sky
Man lying down
Your Options

Paying for

Drug and alcohol addiction are common problems across the country, despite the prevalence of the issue, only about 10% of people seek treatment.

One of the main barriers to addiction treatment is the cost. Luckily, at Renaissance Recovery, we partner with a number of commercial insurance providers to ensure we can lower the cost as much as possible and help everyone looking for treatment. If you are looking for more information on how much you’ll have to pay for a 30-day stay at an inpatient rehab, contact our team today and we can walk you through the process.

2 people sitting next to each other facing in opposite direction
Journey Guidance

Sober Living

A sober living home offers a wonderful oasis of like-minded people in a positive, sober environment during recovery. 

At Renaissance Recovery, we partner with several sober homes that are carefully hand-selected by our treatment staff for their safety, comfort, and accountability. 

Whether you’re coming to us from out of state or just looking for a supportive atmosphere, our sober living partners can provide you with a great place to transition from inpatient rehab to a more independent lifestyle as you ease back into day-to-day life. 

2 people looking out into the ocean

Insurance Verification